
Live Blood Analysis (LBA)
Vivavel Clinic

Live Blood Analysis is a simple procedure to obtain a real-time assessment of your blood by pricking the patient’s fingertip and examining the blood under the microscope.

The process is fast and painless

Using a dark-field microscope and high magnification, the image of blood cells will be displayed on the monitor as dark bodies and outlined in white where physicians are able to detect any abnormalities.


  1. Complete red blood cell count
  2. The degree of the blood cells damaged by antioxidants
  3. pH value
  4. Heavy metals and toxins
  5. Bacteria and fungi
  6. Digestive system and absorption level
  7. Hormonal imbalance
  8. Deficiency of folic, vitamin B, and other minerals
  9. Risk of gout
  10. Oxygen level in the blood